So far, we have completed everything up to our pitch day project. We have recently put the finishing touches on our tri-fold display, and we are now just practicing for our pitch-day on Friday. This has helped us organize our ideas for the project by putting them on paper and then being able to weed through the good ones and the bad ones.
Something that I have learned about myself through the course of this project was that I like to have everything decided on before we start the project, versus other groups that have done the complete opposite and just making decisions as they go. My work ethic so far in this project has been strong. I have done everything that I needed to get done by the required due date. A problem that I have had to overcome was communicating with my partner about how we were going to do things, as the completion of the pitch day was all outside of school. Something that has been easy was deciding what recipes that we should prepare for our actual project.
Something that I have learned about the real world is that you might not always have people that will cooperate with you. An experience that we had was when we were trying to reach the Culinary Arts teacher, but it wasn’t that simple in getting responses from her. This has enhanced our problem-solving skills by making us do things on our own. We knew we couldn’t just sit back and wait for a response, so we went up to see her ourselves.