The research that I'm doing for my 20-Time project can really benefit others who share cooking as their passion with me. All of the recipes and tips that I have found out work really well with beginner chefs can all be found on my past blogs, versus someone trying to find everything on their own. I think someone would benefit from this because it was very hard for me and my partner to find all of the things that we needed to start. Since we have shared all of our information it could get somebody off to a very great start at becoming a chef.
Recently my partner and I have cooked all of the recipes that we have researched. Some of those include a wake-up smoothie, taco dip, and spaghetti. It feels really great to execute our plan that we have been putting together for so long now. The final days of the semester we will be perfecting the art of the recipes that we have been cooking. We plan on making them as good as possible which might lead to us donating them to a shelter or handing them out to the homeless.